Regolamento trasporto e tariffe
Rules for accessing ATAP services
The following information is provided:
- General Travel conditions — for all company buses.
- Adoption of European Act n. 181, 16/02/2011 on “Rights of passengers in bus and coach transport”.
- Coded Tickets which do not display the price euros.
All travel tickets are not transferable and must be kept until the end of the trip.
Tickets may be purchased from authorised sellers and must be shown to the driver when boarding the bus. They must also be kept ready for inspection.
Tickets may also be purchased on board. These tickets can only be used for the particular trip in question ( also for a connecting bus). There is an extra tariff for tickets purchased on board.
Any passanger who boards a bus without a valid ticket must purchase one on board. if a passenger refuses to purchase a ticket, they will be asked to leave the bus.
Su tutte le linee aziendali extraurbane e suburbane è stato attivato il servizio di vendita a bordo dei biglietti ordinari di corsa semplice, associata al controllo a vista dei titoli di viaggio. A bordo bus, i conducenti possono vendere il solo biglietto necessario al cliente per la relazione di viaggio effettivamente utilizzata (per la tratta completa origine/destinazione, anche con cambio autobus). Sui biglietti acquistati a bordo è applicato il sovrapprezzo previsto dalla Regione Piemonte.
Tickets must be validated at the start of a journey using the ticket machines provided. In the case that the ticket machine is out of order, the driver will punch the ticket and the passenger must write the date on the ticket , otherwise it will be considered invalid.
These must be validated at the start of a journey and are considered to be no longer valid when a passenger has left the bus, unless they need connecting buses to reach their final destination, in this latter case, one single ticket may be used which:
- is valid for the entire journey (in the case of a requested alternative route, the tariff may be calculated by adding the price for each zone).
- On journeys using more than one bus, the time of the first validation is considered even though the ticket should be validated each time a passenger changes bus.
These may only be purchased by passengers who possess a valid travel card which must be applied for. When the travel card expires, it is no longer possible to purchase a season ticket.
Passengers must have both the travel card and the season ticket with them when they travel.
The travel card displays the number, the expiry date, the sellers code, client information, the route (place of departure – place of arrival – “change of bus” if route changes are included).
- Indications for the “change of bus” must be given if the special route is not shown in the price lists.
- A season ticket for a routes where a change of bus is necessary must be specified, even if the change is only for a brief trip.
- When changing bus with a 20 journey ticket, the ticket is issued with the condition that each journey refers to the first part of the journey towards the final destination.
- For season tickets for a limited number of journeys, there are no time restrictions when using connecting bus routes.
- We remind passengers that as stated in section 7 of the guidelines UB01, “passengers must validate their tickets on the first part of all journeys and must show their ticket and their travel card to staff members when boarding a bus.
Travel tariffs for single journey tickets and season tickets are subdivided in:
- Suburban tariffs : Applicable for all suburban bus routes and within the city of Biella in adherence to “tariffs for Biella city limits” displayed in the price list.
- Biella City tariffs (in accordance with regulations D.G.C. n° 258, 24.06.2013 and n° 311, 29.07.2013) which apply to all urban bus routes within the city of Biella with integrated suburban routes both displayed in the price list.
- Vercelli City tariffs : apply to all urban bus routes as set out in the price list with specified exceptions.
Please note:
- Information on “Formula” tariffs displayed in the city of Turin and its surroundings;
- Information on additional costs for purchasing tickets on board a bus.
The application of tariffs adheres to the price lists which can be consulted here .
In the section of the site «TIMETABLES» the tariff classifications for all routes may be consulted.
The bus route and a corresponding code used by ticket sellers are available in the following route index Route Index.
da lunedì a venerdì
09:00 – 18:00