Amministrazione trasparente

Please note: some of the following contents are currently being updated and republished.

Following recent changes made to art. 11 Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, art. 24-bis of Decree Law nr. 90 of 24 June 2014, in accordance with the conversion law n. 114 of August 11 2014 the arrangements in excess of the provisions of paragraphs 15 to 33 art. 1 Law 190/2012 are suspended waiting to know definitively the actual applicability of the same also to the specific situation of subjective ATAP spa.

Board of Directors

The Chairman – Dott. Maurizio Barbera
Vice Chairman – Dott. Massimo Simion
Board Member – Avv. Giancarlo Petrini
Board Member – Nicoletta Chiocchetti
Board Member – Arch. Veronica Platinetti

Grants, contributions and economic benefits awarded 2013 

Grants, contributions and economic benefits awarded 2014


Selection processes for hiring staff

Tenders and contracts
Current open tenders for suppliers
Closed tenders for suppliers
List of tender procedures 2014
List of tender procedures 2013 for contracts exceeding 40,000 Euros
List of tender procedures 2013 for contracts less than 40,000 Euros

Financial Accounts
Final budget 2012
Final budget 2013

Class Action

MOG 231 — Code of Conduct

da lunedì a venerdì
09:00 – 18:00
